Some December 18, 2024 and every early morning minute of December 19, 2024
We managed that shower but not in that fun couple way because that doesn’t exist anymore. Cancer takes everything. I say “we” because I looked as though I dove in head first clothes and all. I was able to go home for a short bit thanks to my step dad who came to sit with David in the afternoon. I sure am homesick and just going back for a couple of hours makes the cats wonder what in the world is happening. I try to explain what is going on and keep telling them I will be back (but not in a Terminator voice because they are Gen Z cats and haven’t seen that movie and wouldn’t get the reference). I realized today that Christmas is like just days away. I haven’t had a chance to buy any gifts except a few stocking things from Amazon. That makes me sad too. Cancer takes everything.
I got back to the hospital and was stopped by the nice lady in registration that we saw Monday. She asked how David was and said she had thought about him ever since. She asked if she could give me a hug and I said yes then I went on my way. I made sure to let David know someone asked about him. I got back in time to order David a custom dinner from the Café. They let you do that with meals and bring it to you in 45 minutes or less so says the menu. It is a neat idea, but he really has zero appetite, so, also, zero interest. Cancer takes everything.
I persuaded David to take a lap in the hall just to maybe get some circulation going and just move around. He reluctantly did it… civilly disobedient. Dr. W stopped by after our brutally long four minute hike up Everest and told him he was really glad to see him out in the hall walking. David said yes he felt he should do that as if he had not been pulled by his IV pole nearly kicking and screaming. We talked about chasing this mystery infection. He added two more different types of antibiotics for tonight and we all hope the WBC goes down and not up tomorrow. David has substantial swelling in his legs and feet and also the usual three basketballs in his belly. The legs and feet are from the fluids he is receiving but no one can tell me why the belly distention. There does not appear to be any ascites in the abdomen to warrant this. Liver and kidney labs are good and well in range.
His food came shortly after and we both noticed a little smile on his pizza so maybe that was something. He did like the corn. It was like an elementary school lunch. Pizza and whole kernel yellow corn. David was pretty agitated and antsy, so we tried to pass some time with some old Andy Griffith episodes. Even Barney couldn’t make him laugh today, so he dozed a little and then I left him for just a little bit to go give the cats dinner and make sure they were tucked in for the night (the kid is out of town on a trip).
When I got back, I had to enter through the ER because the other door was locked. We got settled in and dozed for about two hours before the train decided it didn’t need tracks and would just be laid back driving on the dirt road, swervin’ like George Jones. At 1:30 am he started to get very warm, so I asked for someone to take his temp. No one ever came. I called again and it was a while and he was at 100.8 by this time. That played second fiddle though because when I got him up to help him to the bathroom, the pillow under his IV arm was soaked along with his IV arm. Yep. Something was leaking. So I called someone and a couple nurses showed up and decided the IV line would need to be totally redone. David was less than thrilled about that. By this time, he had started to sweat so after they left, I got the little air machine and started cooling him down. I also wiped him down with cold washcloths and he soon was feeling better, but I knew the really bad soaking menopausal night sweat was coming. He needed to get up for the bathroom again and as he finished and washed his hads like 1876 times before, something hit the floor. I looked and it was the @$%$ IV needle with fluid squirting out of it. Then I thought blood and sure enough his arm was dripping with blood he doesn’t have to lose. It wasn’t a whole lot but with all the fluids he has been getting it seems pretty thinned out so I grabbed paper towels and called for someone to help. Another shortened story for interest sake and he had yet another IV line put in but in the opposite arm now. This one got properly wrapped to help keep it in place. The bed had to be moved and things rearranged to move the pole to the other side. I noticed someone who was in and out decided to put on the bed alarm even though he has been moving on his own back and forth to the bathroom with some assistance from me. So I asked if that could be turned off because it was getting anxious thinking he was trapped in the bed. With that potential crisis sorted, the tech came in for vitals and mentioned “he is warm” well no @*&%. David went back to the bathroom and I noticed the sheets were drenched in sweat. I called and asked for new sheets and someone came and made up the bed again. He was glad to have the dry sheets. By this time it was 4:15 am and when I got him back into bed, he basically passed out asleep with exhaustion. I feel like I already have the reputation of being that “one” that speaks up for him, so I don’t know if I made any friends tonight but it has had a different vibe than the previous days and nights. I bet we never saw the same nurse more than twice and that is weird because we usually just have the one. David slept sort of fitfully until just before 6 am when the lab came for blood. I noticed after she was already in process, she was taking it from his hand and I didn’t get a chance to warn her of the vasal vagal response he may have. He did ok though and I credit him being mostly asleep when she did it. He slept another 15 minutes when they came to start more IVs. He doesn’t have any more fluids ordered right now so just the one bag. Another 40 minutes or so and then the new day nurse came in. That is when I know that first light of day is out there about to be peeking through the blinds and I give up sleeping in life every again. What animal sleeps a lot? Maybe I will come back as that in my next life. Cancer takes thing.
Here’s hoping for lower WBC this morning and the possibility of hitting on something that will chase this mysterious infection out of here.