December 18, 2024
I am not lying when I say I have no idea what day it is. Honestly. I just had to look at the calendar and still had to think to figure it out. David’s WBC is up for the third day in a row and we are still chasing this infection and still in the hospital. WBC now up to 23000 and he has a fever this morning. This is the first temp increase we have had since being here. He is still sweating profusely at random times and it is hard to pinpoint why other than an infection. When you have an infection WBC goes up but when on chemo it goes down which it has been doing and makes it hard to know if there is an infection. So now we know. On two antibiotics and starting him on a third but need to know what the infection is to know what antibiotic will properly treat it. Nothing growing in cultures so that’s good means no sepsis so far thankfully.
The two stool samples we got were C Diff negative.
David has been somewhat distressed this morning and wants to go home. I reminded him that this is not like the weeks before when we were sort of trapped in the hospital with all clear lab work. There is something actively going on and Dr. W said this morning he is thinking now that the C Diff is negative he still believes it is something that is still in the abdomen area.
David had two more units of blood over night so that makes a total of four since Monday. Hemoglobin almost 10 and still low but ok for now especially for him.
He slept better last night but was agitated this morning. I persuaded him to get in the chair instead of the bed and he feels a little better sitting there. He ate a little breakfast and tried to focus on watching a Gunsmoke episode on the laptop but fell asleep, so I turned it off. I have asked about getting his shower earlier today since it was a pretty big task after I came back yesterday afternoon. He was too tired and grouchy and I ended up with as much shower as he did. But it is 11:30 and I have asked again. They have to come and wrap his IV and unattach the heart monitors and we have a different crew today who seem to be busy doing other things. I think it has been one issue after another by the sound of the codes and beepings going on.
I did bring a little Christmas tree from home and a short strand of lights for the window ledge. I thought it would cheer him up a little but I don’t know it made much difference. It made for a better nightlight than the ones over the bed.
So we wait…on everything