December 6, 2024
We got to URMC right at 7am on this balmy 28 degree morning. Man, it was cold! We went right in to the treatment room and got started with the preliminaries. Guess what? Nurse said right off his hemoglobin was not as low when they did the type match as it was on the lab work from Dr. B’s office. Hemoglobin was 6.5, so still low but like the last time, not as low as the readings they are getting. She explained some factors like hydration could affect this, and I can see maybe a day later, but I am still leaning toward something maybe needs some calibration on the 5th floor? The last time is was only 30 minutes later when we went to the ER. I don’t know. Just seems something is off if this has happened twice now. Me, with all my medical knowledge.
David had a stomach ache this morning. He had taken one of his morning pain meds and it helped some after he got settled.
I finally remembered to bring his Advance Directive to have it scanned into this system. I went to do that while he was getting started on the first unit of blood and he was happy about my doing that. It took forever for me to remember to get it over to Piedmont so now he can rest assured his wishes will be known within the Piedmont system and here locally. Pretty sure he has been secretly living in terror that the hospital would just somehow assume he had a DNR and he would not be resuscitated in the case of a minor incident. He also will feel better knowing I most likely won’t be able to prop him up on life support for eternity. Most likely.
Before the first unit of blood was done, David was already starting to get some color in his face. I have missed seeing that color. We have been accustomed to the paleness for so long. Would be nice if it lasted but at least this will give his system some help. By the time the second one was finished, his palms pinked up a little and his heart rate went down. Blood pressure remained good the whole time. All indicators his body likes the blood it was getting.
It took about an 1.5 -2 hours per unit. We had a real nice and accommodating nurse. Today we watched, Tom and Jerry, Leave it to Beaver, Rawhide, Bonanza and Gunsmoke. It was too cumbersome to play cards or do much else because every time he moved his arm, our old friend, Infusion pump, sounded the narc alarm that patient was attempting a more comfortable position and was occluded. They ordered him a lunch since we were going to be there past lunchtime and while we waiting on that, he was forced by his torturously cruel on duty round the clock wife nurse to drink a high protein Ensure. He then dozed while I updated the symptom journal, and the doctor notes journal, and this cancer journal. Nurses, even pretend ones, be having to do the paperwork.
David donated blood for years, and through this whole journey, we have first hand experience of the importance of blood donation. We are so grateful for blood donors.
The third unit of blood went in as smoothly as the first. He slept after lunch and while the last bag was finishing.
We are thankful for Dr. W getting us in the treatment room so quickly and for Nurse P today who has such a calming and sweet demeanor. After around 7 hours from the time we walked in until we walked out today, one of us left with more color in his face than he started with this morning. Another gratitude moment.