Monday, November 25, 2024
It was a short night. Not much sleep for me, but we got up and got going with some breakfast and a shower to make it to Fayetteville by 9. David was moving slowly and having trouble walking. He was sort of stumbling along and the tremors were a bit worse this morning. I brought it up to Dr. B and he said he felt David was dehydrated and needed more protein. He suggested high protein Ensure, etc along with smaller meals throughout the day. He said he had lost some weight and we needed some higher calorie foods to keep that weight one. He was 207 this morning down from 215 ish a few weeks ago. I felt like a horrible chemo wife. Like I have not been feeding him right or something and Dr. B didn’t make me feel like that. It was all me. He makes himself eat but sleeps so much of the time it is hard to wake him up to drink and eat every few hours. At any rate, Dr. B felt this would help so we are going to work on those things and hope for some improvement in these areas. David’s hemoglobin was slightly below where it was leaving the hospital and his WBC is back up around 8000 (8). This was good to hear. Dr. B said if David felt up to it, he would like two more rounds of this chemo before ordering a scan to determine if it was working. He looked at the scan from last week and said it was too early to determine if the chemo had any effect since there had only been one round. David said he was up for it. I beg to differ if I am but he is the boss. There has been more hair loss and his beard is even thinner. It tears me up to see it. I know it is just hair. But it is so hard seeing it happen. He let me cut it this weekend and he lost the last vestiges of his ponytail. Yeah, yeah, he was too old for a ponytail. It made him, him though. Just something else cancer has taken. We were both out of sorts today. It took around three hours by the time they started the drip until we could leave.I got him a new set of UNO cards. NFL edition. We didn’t feel like learning the new game play so we played the old way with the new cards. He plays just as dirty with the new cards. We stopped for Chick fil A on the way through Senoia, and I got him settled in at home then went to the funeral home to help with arrangements for my Dad. David was a bit nauseous after I got home and he took some of the anti-nausea meds and it helped. He slept on the couch while I worked on my Dad’s obituary and updated the blog. Calling it a night now.