October 30, 2024
David felt ok today but not quite as good as yesterday. He had some pain that he wasn’t sure was gas or regular pain, and we both seemed to be moving through Jello trying to get out the door. We had a good drive over though and saw a truck with a smiley face on the back. I can’t help but see faces everywhere I look. Remember, it is a sickness. 🙂 We got to the office in plenty of time, but they were late calling him back to the Infusion Room. The nurse said they had a communication breakdown with the front desk and they weren’t aware we were there. His port ported nicely, the drip started dripping, and we jumped in to playing UNO hoping to pass the hour quickly. He won around 8 hands and I won 3 which is a pretty good day for me when I can beat a dirty, ruthless, Draw 4 hoarding Skip weasel.  Another couple sat down next to us and she asked me if we were from Thomaston. I said yes and then she asked if I was DeeGee. I said yes and I asked who she was. She told me, and I said it really was true that you cannot go anywhere without seeing someone from Thomaston, GA.  She worked with my aunt many years ago and knew me when I was a kid. We chatted a bit, and in no time, it was time for us to go. The nurses had decorated the room with Monopoly tiles and Monopoly money was strung from the ceiling. We learned last year while in chemo, that they choose a theme each Halloween, and everyone participates including the doctors. I said to one of the nurses to please tell me that Dr. B was dressing like Mr. Monopoly, and she said he was.  He passed through and he gave a wave, and I said we sure hated to miss that. He said to come on back over tomorrow. As funny as it would be, we think we will pass on riding over here 4 days in a row. We headed out for home. David managed to stay awake until Senoia when he got his lemonade from Chick Fil A and then gave up the ghost, put the seat back and went to sleep. I stopped at a Dollar General on the way home just to grab a few FULL SIZE (mind your business) candy bars in the rare instance we had some trick or treaters tomorrow. We have been married 25 years and only had maybe 2 kids trick or treat through the years. He said he wanted a root beer, so I grabbed one of those too. He took some anti-nausea meds when we got home because he was starting to feel a bit sicky. Maybe it was the chemo or maybe chasing a lite ice, extra lemon, lemonade with a root beer would do that to person…blarg . Then, he pretty much crashed out and slept soundly most of the night. I sampled some candy just to be sure it wasn’t poisoned or anything in case a kid stopped by tomorrow.
David’s shirt today: Nice Marmot. From the opening scene of The Big Lebowski. A nurse asked him about it and he gladly gave her an explanation of the shirt as well as the movie.. Fighting things that are inevitable vs. just letting things be what they are.. abiding. An idea with which we have become well familiar. “Strikes and gutters. Ups and Downs”