October 29, 2024
David got up feeling pretty good today. Remembering back to last year (by looking through my journals), chemo days were some of his best days. It is the recovery weeks that weren’t so nice. He said he slept all night and remembered having funny dreams but couldn’t remember what they were about. He said those were much better than the stress dreams he usually has. We didn’t have to be at the office until 2:00 today, so we were able to leave a bit later this afternoon. The sun shone on us the whole drive over and we talked and laughed and had a really good day. He was more animated than he has been in a while and said he felt pretty good. Since he was only getting one drug today, it only took about an hour and a half after getting him started. He wanted to try another Thai restaurant so we stopped there for early dinner. The food was pretty good. He wasn’t able to eat very much so we boxed up most of it. By the time we started for home he was starting to slow down a bit and was having some mild discomfort. He slept mostly on the way back. I could tell he wasn’t feeling as good as he did earlier today but was still better than most evenings go. He took his evening meds and the oral Dexamethasone we both forgot this morning. It is hard to remember regular things much less to take a couple of new pills for just day 2, 3, & 4. We will do better tomorrow. He asked me to see if he felt hot, so I took his temp and it was 99.7. He went ahead and took some acetaminophen and said he wasn’t feeling too well. I asked if he had pain and he said a little but not like the usual kind. He said he mostly just felt bleh. He wanted to hang out on the couch before he went to bed but didn’t feel like watching anything on TV. I turned down the lamp and turned on some classical nite nite music. We did that when he was in the hospital in February and it was really nice to just lay there and relax. I did some work and he was snoring pretty well in no time. He said earlier that it was a good day and he enjoyed it. I love days like that. These days don’t happen often, and I know they are fleeting, but I sure do soak it up during these rare times that he is feeling good. To hear him laugh like he did when the days were better is everything.
Random things of interest lately: We had not been to the movies in a while and went to see the Joker Movie Part 2. We were 2 of 3 people in the theater on opening day so that should have told us something. We are big Harley and Joker fans and this movie was just disappointing. We finished Yellowstone as I may have mentioned, and are waiting on the last part. We watched 1883 and 1923 and started on Tulsa King and realized we may just be big fans of Taylor Sheridan. We would probably watch paint dry on a wall on whatever streaming channel if he wrote the script for it. Looking forward to his new series next month. Been watching more football and still don’t understand all the rules but glad the Dirty Birds and Kirko seem to be making David happy. David has been trying to write stuff for the blog but the brain fog just makes it hard to finish things. I keep trying to encourage him and saying it doesn’t matter. Just toss some words out. We (mostly me with him telling me how) have been working on a 1000 piece puzzle of vintage posters of the US National Parks. We got one of those puzzle boards that spins around and we (mostly me with him telling me how) have “enjoyed” sorting through tiny pieces that look identical to the other 999 pieces. I found I am missing one edge piece and do not believe I have it. He says it is somewhere in the sorted piles, and I just have to keep looking. It is causing me stress, and I told him he will need to just make me a piece to match. The whole board can slide under the couch so the cats can’t walk all over it and destroy all of “our” hard work.