We drove over to Fayetteville around lunch to make his 1:00 therapy appointment. It was cloudy and overcast and we felt the same. We did enjoy the changing color of the leaves along the way though. The colors are really starting to pop out now. We got a nice nurse who explained the treatment to him again and got him in the chair and readied the port for access. The port was a little stubborn but not too bad. She told him that he could stay accessed for the three days but would not be able to take a full shower. He said he would just have it accessed each time. She explained due to the hurricane damaging the facility in NC that makes the sterile and saline solutions for IVs, they were having to ration these so the Dex and Akynzeo would be pushed at a different rate that usual. We heard on the news on the way home that in this facility in NC that makes the sterile solutions is responsible for about 60% of the nations supply. It would take time for them to clean up the damage and they planned reopening in phases. Hospitals across the country are having to use rationing procedures.
David got as comfortable as he could in the recliner, and we settled in to wait the couple of hours. It was sort of weird being back in the infusion room and we only recognized maybe a couple of people from before. Oncology nurse maybe isn’t a job one tends to stay in long term? Anyway, it wasn’t long before David was asking about the snack situation and rummaging through his choices for today. We played a couple of games on our phone that we could play back and forth, snacked, and broke out the UNO cards. He played pretty dirty today per usual saving up his Draw 2s and Reverses and those damnable Draw 4s he likes to strategically hoard until he is ready to UNO. Time ticked down and we were glad to be on the back side of the first treatment. He said he was starting to feel pretty yucky by the time we finished. By the time we got to the car, he was feeling a bit nauseous. He slept most of the way home and he wanted to get some hot and sour soup from the Chinese restaurant in town but wanted to stop at home first. When we made it to the restaurant, he said he was feeling strange. We got his soup and headed back home. He was sweaty and said he wasn’t hot but he felt hot so I took his temp. It was normal. He said he was feeling nauseous and “just not good”. He fell asleep on the couch before he even turned on Monday night football. When I checked on him earlier, he was fast asleep with the remote in his hand. We didn’t expect it to hit him so quickly and aren’t real sure what to think about it. I don’t want him to have to do this, and I kept telling him all afternoon. I tell him all the time I am so sorry he is going through this. WE are going through this. This sucks so much and it isn’t fair. No one deserves this. No one should have to decide to poison themselves in hopes of maybe having the possibility of having a chance to live a little longer. IT IS NOT FAIR. We can do so many things now. We cannot even keep up with technology. The AI future is scary. They can transplant organs and have been doing that for some time. How is there not a cure for this? Just how?