September 19-23, 2024
On 9/18, we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. This past weekend, we went up to Blue Ridge for a few days. David has continued to be very tired and unable to do very much. The 3 hour ride was ok and he slept most of the way once we got out of Atlanta. On Friday, he woke up with some congestion, and later in the day, he started running a fever. It got up to around 101 and he took some acetaminophen and it came back down. He has continued to feel more tired and look paler over the last week or so. He has seemed to start with an elevated temp around midafternoon each day and it usually fluctuates during the evening. It has been controlled with a few Tylenol but it starts again the next day. His BP is normal but his heart rate is very elevated (120-145 sitting). His pulse ox was fluctuating between 90-95 with no exertion. Once, this weekend, he was bending over looking at something on the floor and he got lightheaded and fell forward. I called to see if he could see our primary doctor on Tuesday when we were back in town just to see if we could figure out what was happening. He has started becoming a little breathless with very little activity. I just says he doesn’t feel well. I was starting to be concerned about something respiratory or possibly pneumonia. I was even worrying about liver issues and kept checking his skin for jaundice or something that would indicate if there were liver issues. The whites of his eyes were always very white though. It was a long, tough weekend going between trying to distract, entertain, and worry.
Every evening, the same deer family came by to visit. There are always bears on the Blink cams but we haven’t had the luck to see one yet. We got the biggest kick out of this little deer stamping his little hoof looking at us through the window.