RAD End Week 2. Start Week 3

March 4, 2024

Day 11 of Radiation Camp and Mondays are see-the-doctor-day. Since Dr. Wa was out of the office, we saw Dr. G. He checked in with David about symptoms he is experiencing including urinary issues and increased pain. He prescribed some new meds that we hope will help. Inflammation is expected as the bladder and colon areas are involved with his radiation and it can be painful. David has not had much of an appetite but he continues to eat and drink fluids. Fluids are very important for cancer patients not just for warding off dehydration but also for flushing out chemo and radioactive materials.

David continues to be a little anxious during radiation but he is managing better than he did the first week. We think not seeing anything happen makes it worse and maybe he needs to see a huge laser show everyday to know he is being radiated or least be able to shoot webs from his wrists when he is done.

I have been reading Big Panda and Tiny Dragon and nearly every page was written for us.